Sripadarayaru, a contemporary of Kallinatha (the commentator on Sarngadevas Sangitaratnakara), was a musician and composer who heralded the musical traditions of the Haridasa movement. Classes are conducted for adults and kids of age 6 years and above The 15th century marked a watershed period in the history of Indian classical music.Several changes in theory and practice have surely taken place from Vedic.

1 class per week with 30 min, 45 min, 50 min and 1 hour classes according to student’s learning level Carnatic music It is not easy to point to one period of history or one ancient.Teaching music style: Carnatic classical vocal music.Students will take to finish this level according to their own speed, learning ability, class attendance and with regular practice. titled the Silappadhikaram contains a vivid. The Tamil classic of the 2nd century A.D. The rhythmic meters found in several sacred musical forms like Tevaram. Preparing students for their solo performances/arangettrum A number of instruments were also used to accompany song and dance. In the old Tamil music, the concept of Pann corresponds to that of the modern Raga.Helping students to work on their own kalpana swaras and alapam for different krithis (Keethama’s) and raagas.Students will gather the knowledge of Raaga Alaapana, Niraval, Kalpanaswaram, Raagam Tanam Pallavi, Thani Avarthanam.In this level students will work on advanced kruthis/ keerathanams in different raaga and different thala with swara.